On 7 September 2022, at 6.30 p.m., the documentary film "Inside Tunisia" made by the director Alessandro Scillitani within the CUDIMHA project will be presented in Acerra (Naples) at the Baronale Castle, "Sala dei Conti", in Piazza Castello no. 20.
The event also aims to boast multiple institutional sponsorships, including that of the interdisciplinary scientific journal "NuovoMeridionalismoStudi", the "Assarmatori" Association and its special purpose company "Oltremare - Servizi Integrati per lo shipping" and, in particular, the Municipality of Acerra. In fact, even the location was not selected at random, as the Municipality of Acerra has a rich multi-ethnic presence within its territory and is mainly confined to the area around the historical centre and the Baronale Castle. In particular, the Tunisian community in Acerra is the fourth largest in the region in terms of number of residents, accounting for around 3% of the local population.
After a welcoming speech of the mayor of Acerra, Tito d'Errico, the floor will be given to Giuliana Fiorentino, Coordinator of the CUDIMHA Project and President of the UNIMOL Communication Sciences degree course, and Alessandro Scillitani, director of the documentary film. The event will be moderated by Giuseppe Di Palo, contact person of "Oltremare - Servizi integrati per lo shipping" (i.e., a special purpose company of Assarmatori).
Watch the trailer of "Inside Tunisia" by clicking here.