From Tuesday 9 to Friday 11 of April, members of CUDIMHA’s international consortium met for the second time since the official beginning of the project, to discuss the contents and structure of the Master’s degree at the core of the project. This important second meeting was hosted by Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic.
The meeting was structured on two days, and saw each partner engaged in different activities, mainly linked to the presentation of progresses matured during the previous months, in accordance with the planning scheme that was agreed upon at the Kick-Off meeting in Monastir (February 2019).
This second project meeting gave consortium members the opportunity to deepen the understanding of the project, as well as to share each partner’s view on the future implementation of the master’s itself. On day one (April 10), the most important achievements were the presentation of the baseline study for History and Archaeology Education field in Tunisia (T1.1, in charge of the University of Alicante), and the organization of working groups, charged with the task of discussing on the various important elements mentioned during the meeting and in previous circumstances. All groups were assigned a number of precise questions and calls for suggestions, the central topic being the Master’s structure and contents. All working groups, composed of one European and one Tunisian partner, proved very effective in their discussions, and provided the coordinator with enough material to draw a first draft of the Master’s composition and structure (that is going to be modified in accordance with the developments of the discussion within the project).
Day two was initially devoted to a very interesting presentation by Prof. Libor Stepanek of the University of Masaryk on innovative e-learning methodologies (a field of particular interest for professor Stepanek) that took place in the morning session. After professor Stepanek’s presentation, members from Fondazione FORMIT explained to the consortium the functionalities of the e-Formare platform, an online tool that will be used to deliver the e-learning part of the Master’s. The conclusive section of the meeting was devoted to administrative and organizational discussions that helped the coordinator (UNIMOL) draw some conclusions on the future steps of the project.
The consortium will meet again in person in the occasion of the Steering Committee Meeting that will be hosted by UNINT (Rome) on June 24 and 25.